In a heartbreaking incident in Auchi, a young man and his four friends have tragically passed away after consuming pepper soup allegedly poisoned by the young man’s ex-girlfriend.
According to reports, the girl, feeling devastated after their breakup, intended to poison her ex-boyfriend as an act of revenge. However, the situation took a tragic turn when she unwittingly poisoned not only him but also his friends and his new girlfriend, who all shared the meal.
Witnesses say the group enjoyed the pepper soup during a gathering, unaware of the lethal ingredient hidden within. Shortly after eating, they began to show signs of distress and were rushed to a local hospital. Despite medical efforts, all five victims succumbed to the effects of the poison.
Local authorities have launched an investigation into the incident, gathering statements from friends and family members. The ex-girlfriend has been taken into custody as police look into her actions leading up to this tragic event.
Community members are in shock, grappling with the devastating loss and the nature of the incident. Many have expressed their condolences to the families affected and are calling for a deeper discussion on the impacts of toxic relationships and the importance of seeking help in times of emotional distress.
This incident serves as a grim reminder of how unresolved feelings can lead to tragic consequences. Follow us on our socials @empfricfmradio for more updates.